The Real Meaning of Net Neutrality

Consumer pays. All the smoke about “discrimination” is intended to cover it up. If the consumer foots the whole bill for his connection, there is no incentive for the ISP to massage content.

Somehow the additional requirement that no service plans can be written around Quality of Service gets a free ride under this concept. They don’t have to, but as the bills are currently written, that’s the situation.

Lippard neutrality

Jim Lippard makes a valiant effort at separating the real issues from the phony ones in his version of net neutrality:

In an attempt to offer something constructive, here’s a version of network neutrality–let’s call it Lippard Network Neutrality–that seems to me to be reasonable, providing me with what I want as a consumer of Internet services and what I would want if I were managing security for the provider of those services

Essentially, it’s a ban on censorship but not on advanced services. I endorse it, with a couple of quibbles about unbundling.

So Tim Berners-Lee opposes net neutrality regulations?

After a long hiatus, Sir Tim is back on the Net Neutrality case:

Net Neutrality is NOT saying that one shouldn’t pay more money for high quality of service. We always have, and we always will.

But what do the neutrality bills actually say? Here’s the relevant part of Snowe-Dorgan:

(5) only prioritize content, applications, or services accessed by a user that is made available via the Internet within the network of such broadband service provider based on the type of content, applications, or services and the level of service purchased by the user, without charge for such prioritization;

And the relevant part of the Markey Amendment:

If a broadband network provider prioritizes or offers enhanced quality of service to data of a particular type, it must prioritize or offer enhanced quality of service to all data of that type (regardless of the origin or ownership of such data) without imposing a surcharge or other consideration for such prioritization or enhanced quality of service.

Does Sir Tim support or oppose these particular bills? Based on the above, I would have to say he opposes, so I’ve asked for clarification by leaving a comment on his blog. It was flagged as spam and not displayed, and you can make of that what you will. My guess is my comment will remain buried until after the vote is taken in the Senate.

And what does say about charging a fee for voice-grade QoS? Read on, humble traveler:

Critics of Net Neutrality measures in Congress have claimed there are no historical examples of abuse by ISPs and therefore government should not interfere. However, Jason Miller of WebProNews writes about an example of abuse coming out of Canada that shows how the words of intent coming from the men who run phone and cable companies have not been considered as evidence of what will happen here in the U.S.

The “Abuse” is simply a Quality of Service enhancement. Go see for yourself:

Shaw is now able to offer its High Speed Internet customers the opportunity to improve the quality of Internet telephony services offered by third party providers. For an additional $10 per month Shaw will provide a quality of service (QoS) feature that will enhance these services when used over the Shaw High Speed Internet network.

Save the Internet says for-fee QoS is “abuse.” Sir Tim says he’s in favor of for-fee QoS, and he says he supports Save The Internet. Something don’t exactly compute here, does it?

It seems that there’s a lot of manipulation going on around this issue. When you have these moldy old “heroes of the revolution” rolled out on their wheelchairs to praise the ruling clique with vague platitudes, there’s a distinctly Soviet feel to the dialog.

UPDATE: The last time Sir Tim posted in net neutrality he was met with a bunch of comments he couldn’t handle because he obviously wasn’t familiar with the actual legislation. This time, he’s simply turned off the comments (they’re rejected as “spam”).

Why is Tim Berners-Lee afraid to debate?

Matt Stoller lies about lying

Matt Stoller is the crony of Jerome Armstrong & Markos (“Kosola“) Moulitsas who spread the lie that Cox Cable blocks Craig’s List. He did it in this post, ironically titled Please Lie to me about Net Neutrality:

There’s a pervasive myth that there has been no discrimination on the internet against content companies. That is simply untrue. For one, Craigslist has been blocked for three months from Cox customers because of security software malfunctions…

Without net neutrality protections, cable and telecom companies will have no incentive to fix these kinds of problems. Already, it’s quite difficult to even know that this is happening because they are quite easy to disguise.

The telcos are of course lying about this, claiming that no web sites have been blocked. And gullible reporters are falling for the lies.

This is the way he tries to re-write history:

There’s a really stupid lie that’s catching on among tech reporters. It started with George Ou at ZDNet, and then went to David Berling at the same publication. Here’s what Ou wrote:

It appears that the Net neutrality proponents have been caught in a flagrant lie in their effort to scare the public… and along with many other Net neutrality activist sites have accused Cox Communications of deliberately blocking the website Craigslist by quoting a report from our own Tom Foremski.

Well I suppose that would be a lie if I had accused Cox of deliberately blocking Craigslist. Only I didn’t. Here’s what I wrote.

Big companies, through incompetence, malevolence, or economic choice, can control the internet. Without legal protections, they will. So if you like dropped calls and crappy cable service, you’ll love what the non-neutral net will look like.

To their credit, most of’s readers aren’t buying it.

ESPN and reverse net discrimination

The forces of net neutrality regulations warn of ISPs discriminating among content providers, but what about content providers demanding payment from ISPs to carry their stuff?

Unlike the theoretical problem that motivates the neuts, this one is very real:

A little more than a week ago I had a Net neutrality debate with Russell Shaw. Russell Shaw speculated that there had to be some sort of Net neutrality violation going on and that the ISPs were locking ESPN out without some sort of special contract. In Russell’s blog, he speculates:

“My guess is that ESPN360 and Comcast did not come to a licensing agreement. It was ESPN360 that refused to pony up.”

But as I dug a little deeper and discussed the issue with some fellow bloggers Matt S and Richard Bennett and looked around on ESPN360, I came to a startling thought: Could this be a case of reverse Net neutrality service blocking? If this is the case then Russell might be right about a neutrality violation, but he may have gotten the role of the perpetrator and victim backwards.

It appears that what’s happening is ESPN demanding payment from ISPs for access to this service. So where are the regulations to prevent this kind of tiering of the Internet? Google? Yahoo? eBay? You folks are awfully quiet all of a sudden.

Somebody give Charlie Gonzalez a call, he’s the hero on this problem.

Craig Newmark backs down

Craig Newmark comes clean on the wild tale of Cox blocking today, admitting it was a bug and not a feature:

The whole thing was exacerbated by folks talking about ‘net neutrality…The message from some is that blocking sites is something that big telecoms might do and in all the confusion, that message turned into an incorrect message that an ISP actually did. To repeat, none of this was deliberate. However, it does illustrate a downside of journalism via blogs; stuff is published, then maybe fact-checked.

It sounds like he’s suggesting in a round-about way that he was, like, brainwashed by Matt Stoller and Save the Internet, doesn’t it? Damn that must be painful.

Give Craig a candy, he’s trying to do the right thing.

How to turn a fast lane into a slow lane

Phoenix Center president Lawrence Spiwak has a good and concise column on Internet regulation and competition up on CNet:

When it comes to updating our telecom laws, we have taken our proverbial eyes off the prize.

We should be focusing on franchise reform, which would remove (in the Federal Communication Commission’s own words) the “most important policy-relevant barrier to entry” for video and broadband competition and finally get the “twin titans” of the cable companies and the phone companies to duke it out.

Instead, we’re becoming sidetracked by a hasty push for stringent legislation to remedy the undefined concept of Net neutrality, without careful analysis of the possible consequences.

I think neutrality regulations are unlikely to pass because they’re too hysterical even for Washington. But if they do, there will be no alternative to cable Internet access but wireless.

H/T Kung Fu Quip.

Shaw’s Quality of Service Enhancement

Tech journalist Jason Miller is all upset about efforts to build better broadband. He thinks a new service offering by Shaw Cable in Canada is proof that Net Neutrality regulations are necessary. Here’s the Shaw announcement on Quality of Service:

Shaw is now able to offer its High Speed Internet customers the opportunity to improve the quality of Internet telephony services offered by third party providers. For an additional $10 per month Shaw will provide a quality of service (QoS) feature that will enhance these services when used over the Shaw High Speed Internet network. Without this service customers may encounter quality of service issues with their voice over Internet service.

Is this the End of the Internet as We Know It? Not really, it’s exactly the sort of thing that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee says is legitimate:

We pay for connection to the Net as though it were a cloud which magically delivers our packets. We may pay for a higher or a lower quality of service. We may pay for a service which has the characteristics of being good for video, or quality audio.

So who are going to believe, a journalist with an ax to grind or the Father of the Web? Dude, that’s not even a close call.

Miller also claims, falsely, that Shaw offers its own VoIP. Actually, they offer the same kind of triple-play that American cable franchises offer, and it’s nothing to do with IP.

UPDATE: Go see Save the Internet try and spin this story to their advantage. It’s not enough that they were caught lying about Craig’s List, now they want to make the feeble-minded believe a legitimate service upgrade is going to kill the Internet.

Authentium spoke to Craig via phone last week

Craig Newmark, the fellow who co-owns (along with eBay) Craig’s List, posted an entry on his blog saying Authentium won’t talk to him about the problem his web site had with Authentium’s firewall. Here’s the Authentium response

Re Craig’s post today, in which he says – “I wanted to give the Authentium folks to today to respond; that didn’t happen, and I guess we’ve waited long enough.”

This isn’t accurate. Three business days ago (i.e. last week), Ray Dickenson, our head of products, initiated a phone call to Craig – at his offices – and spoke with Craig directly. During that call, Ray shared with Craig the following information:

1. The technical issue caused by the conflict between Craigslist servers and the Authentium firewall is fully resolved, and was resolved back in March. The beta fix was made available to all customers at that time. It was made available through their support organizations to every subscriber requesting it. This is normal procedure for our beta software releases.

2. In terms of our responsiveness, Authentium reacted immediately upon hearing about the issue by calling Craig. Upon understanding the issue, we acted immediately to resolve it. We posted a fix within days of its emergence in February. The fix has been available ever since.

3. Regarding release dates, this fix involved rewriting of a core system-level component. Our process for releasing these kind of components is very strict – the final version enters GA only after the completion of several cycles of QA testing on the next full version release of our security suite, and beta release testing. This practice is followed by most, if not all, system-level software developers.

As I’ve said before in other posts, we have no ax to grind here – this isn’t a story about net neutrality – it is basically a story about different approaches to handling data.

For more on the technical details of this, please browse to the Craigslist link at or contact your Authentium service provider partner support center.

Thank you,

John Sharp
Founder & CEO

Once again, Craig Newmark has been caught lying without a clue.

Here’s Dave Utter’s account of the story, and here’s Authentiums’s customer advisory.

Authentium and Cox should sue Craig Newmark for libel and slander.

My prior story is here.

For more info, see George Ou’s dissection of the Craig’s List misconfiguration, Matt Sherman, and James Lippard.

UPDATE: See Jim Lippard’s wrap-up, and TLF’s belated commentary.

FINAL UPDATE: Craig has issued a retraction. Apparently he didn’t know that his people were talking to Authentium all along. I know that’s hard to believe, but his company is a weird little enterprise.

Cringely on the Neutrality fiction

Neutrality ain’t exactly what you may think it is, you see:

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation allowing Internet Service Providers to do traffic shaping, giving some priority to certain types of content, which would presumably be either the ISPs’ own content or that of ISP customers paying a premium for such access. The U.S. Senate is considering similar legislation, as well as other legislation designed to do exactly the opposite — guarantee that all data packets receive equal service. The prevailing assumption, by the way, is that right now all packets ARE created equal, which of course they are not.

Some pretty good detail on how the Internet actually works follows, but he gets all conspiracy-freakish at the end.

IPTV and VoIP are two examples of applications that need priority service, and there’s also that whole issue of payment. Read a lot, you’ll get a little here and a little there that sheds light on the issue, and you’ll pay for your illumination with propaganda.