Job opportunity

This is a legit job open at UNMOVIC

Vacancy Announcement: UNMOVIC-FS-005
Post title and level: Chief Communication and Information Technology Section, FS-7
Duty Station: Baghdad, Iraq
Organizational Unit: Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)
Indicative minimum gross annual remuneration (including post adjustment): US$82,695.00gpa

The incumbent is responsible and manages all the Communications and Information Technology Networks located within the mission, including the supervision of a number of individual units, such as the Satellite, Microwave, Rural Telephone, VHF/UHF/ HF, Telephone PABX, Assets Management, Switchboard, Rigging, and the Office Equipment units, plus the IT Network Administration, Software Development, Systems Support, Hardware Support and Help Desk units respectively.

Apply now and avoid the rush.