I’m presenting a report on the Mobile Internet at the ITIF Global Command Center in Washington bright and early Tuesday morhing:
The Internet is changing. In a few short years, Internet use will come predominately from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets rather than traditional PCs using fixed broadband. A fully mobile broadband Internet offers exciting opportunities for innovation in networks, devices, and applications with enormous benefits for the economy and society.
The shift from a wire-centric Internet to a mobile one has profound implications for technology, policy, and applications. A new report by ITIF Research Fellow Richard Bennett explains how mobile networks are changing as they become part of the Internet, the implications mobile networking has for public policy, and how policymakers can facilitate the transition to mobile broadband.
Join us for the presentation of the report and a panel discussion among leading representatives of diverse viewpoints on Internet policy.
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Time: 9:00am- 10:30am
Location: 1101 K Street Suite 610A Washington, DC 20005Presenter
Richard Bennett
Research Fellow, The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
RespondentsHarold Feld
Legal Director, Public KnowledgeMorgan Reed
Executive Director, Association for Competitive TechnologyBarbara Esbin
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Communications and Competition Policy, PFF